Monday, May 27, 2013

My guest post for Cousin Corporation

I was really excited a few months ago when I was asked by Cousin Corp. to be a guest blogger for them on their blog. I love their products so it was easy to say yes but then I had to figure out what to write. I realized I had been making jewelry for most of my life, in fact for over 43 years. That is an astoundingly long time when you think about it. Clearly jewelry making is a passion of mine and one that has stuck with me over time as has polymer clay for the last 24 years. I love what I do and will probably always create jewelry of some sort or another. I have a book coming out this Sept. with F & W Media with my business partner Kira. This is another dream I get to cross off my list! Woo hoo. So exciting and a pinch yourself moment for sure.

Anyway I hope you will check out the article for Cousin Corp and make sure to leave a comment letting me know what you think. Have a nice Memorial Day, hope you are spending the day with friends and family.

Another dream coming true this year is my new art studio! All 4 walls are up now, so exciting.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My art studio is getting built and I am so excited

I am super duper excited to see my new art studio going up from scratch, this is a whole new experience and I have never been through this process before. I am documenting it every step of the way so I can share it with you. I can't wait to move in! I am really looking forward to having my own creative space where I can keep everything organized. Here are some pics so you can see the progress so far. The framing kit just arrived this morning so before you know it the frame will be up. Woo hoo!!!